Saturday, December 1, 2007

Look who I bumped into

I was at a private party at the boss' house (working) and I asked President Clinton's personal photographer to take a pic of me with my camera. He walked out of a doorway and the photographer just said "this is Courtland", he turned, grabbed my hand, said "hi", flash popped, over in 2 seconds -- and that explains the deer in the headlights look.


Mona said...

hey! That is cool!

He danced with us when he came to India! :D

Charles said...

Very cool.

jtj3 said...

Hey don't feel bad, I'm sure President Clinton has a ton of experience at the "grab-a-strangers'-hand-grab-it -shake-and-make-it-look-genuine" encounters...this was probably your first one.

I bet you're a better photographer than he is, though, so it all evens out...